
  • Reflections

    36 Reasons to do Pull ups

    Your reasons to do pull ups. Here are thirty-six reasons to do pull ups! You should start putting pull ups into your weight training routine. This list includes some of the less-obvious benefits of including this classic bread-and-butter exercise into your life. You will surely notice a lot of benefits–some of which might not even be on this list! Start now and learn the reasons to do pull ups! 1. You will improve your posture This first one might surprise you, but yes, pull ups really do improve your posture. You activate the rhomboids, mid and lower traps, and rear deltoids when you do pull ups. These are key muscles…

  • Reflections

    13 Things that Happen when you get Good at Pull ups

    What happens when you get good at pull ups? Let me tell you, getting good at pull ups has a lot of unintended consequences. Funny stuff starts to happen when you start getting really good at pull ups, and knocking out sets of 8, 10, or more or sets with added weight. Today, pull ups are my strongest exercise. On a good day, I can do upwards of 20 reps. These are my own experiences about what started to happen when I started getting really good at pull ups. I would not be surprised if many of these same things happen to you. 1. Your Confidence improves Few people in…