Question and Answer

  • Question and Answer

    Pull ups are a Compound Exercise

    Are pull ups a compound exercise? Yes, pull up and chin ups are compound exercises. What is a compound exercise ? Compound exercises involve movement at more than one joint, and often train many muscle groups at one time. Isolation exercises involve movement at only one joint. Both the chin up and the pull up involve movement of the scapulo-thoracic joints, the glenohumeral joints and the elbow joints. A seated leg extension is an isolation movement. It only involves movement at the knee joint. Benefits to Compound Exercises Because the chin up and the pull up are compound exercises, they have a greater energy cost than single joint movements. Pull…

  • Practical Guides,  Question and Answer

    pull up safety: are pull ups a safe exercise?

    Do you want to do pull ups but worry about pull up safety? A lot of people wonder if pull ups and chin ups are safe exercises. Generally, pull ups and chin ups are some of the safest exercises you can do, for most populations and goals. Pull ups and chin ups are basic strength training exercises, and strength/weight training is very, very safe. In fact, it is one of the safest activities you can do. Do not worry about pull up safety! Weight Training is Very Safe While many people might believe weight training is a very dangerous activity, it’s actually one of the safest activities and safest sports…

  • Question and Answer

    will pull ups make you stronger ?

    Will pull ups make you stronger? The short answer is yes, pull ups can absolutely make you stronger, no matter your age, size, or fitness level. The long answer is that doing pull ups is not a guarantee of more strength. To get stronger with pull ups, you have to get stronger at pull ups. First, let us dive into the science a bit. Will Pull ups Make you Stronger? Muscle and Strength Adaptations Pull ups activate primarily the muscles of the back and biceps, including: The Latissimus Dorsi Muscles The bicep brachii muscles The muscles of the forearm– brachialis and brachioradialis The Rhomboids The Lower Trapezius Muscles Teres Major Levator Scapulae…

  • Question and Answer

    Pull ups for Strength Athletes

    Pull ups for strength athletes? Are pull ups a suitable exercise for strength athletes? Should weightlifters and power lifters perform pull ups or is this exercise simply too easy for the advanced trainee? While some may believe pull ups are inferior for barbell-based strength athletes, the truth is that strength athletes of all calibers should include pull ups in their routine. Pull ups can help any strength athlete progress to the next level and become a stronger, more bulletproof barbell athlete. Pull ups for Strength Athletes: Pull ups are a Joint-Friendly Exercise The pull up is a compound exercise. Compound  exercises distribute the joint load between multiple joints. These exercises…