• Practical Guides,  Rehabilitation

    Pain in the Pull up

    Do you have pain in the pull up? Do your shoulders, elbows or lower back ache after you do them? If so, this article is for you! I discuss seven issues that could be causing your pain, plus quick fixes for each. Address the issues causing your pain, and you will be back to pain-free pull ups in no time. In fact, addressing your issues will probably make you stronger at pull ups, and more resilient to re-injury! What’s Causing your Pain in the Pull up? 1. Pain in the Pull up: Pushing past your Body’s Limits Strength training is one of the safest sports you can do. Still, pushing…

  • Practical Guides

    Bodyweight Exercises are Best

    Are body weight exercises best? In a short answer, yes, body weight exercises are best. Body weight exercises are superior for strength, muscle size and cardio fitness. They also enhance stability, coordination, athletic performance, injury prevention, tendon and bone strength more than non-body weight exercises. What exercises classify as bodyweight exercises?  Bodyweight exercises  require movement of the body through space, with or without an external load. Weighted pull ups, weighted push ups, and barbell squats are closed chain bodyweight exercises. You are lifting a portion of your body weight through space, plus the load on the bar or on your back. For our practical purposes, bodyweight exercises are really closed…

  • Practical Guides

    Pull ups versus Chin ups versus Rows

    Pull ups versus chin ups versus rows: Should you do pull ups, chin ups or rows? These exercises are each a little bit different. Depending on your goals, injury history, and muscular development, you may want to focus more on one of these than the others. First, let’s start with a more detailed analysis of each exercise, before diving into which might be most suitable for you The Pull up Muscles Involved in the Pull up: Latissimus Dorsi Biceps Rhomboids Teres Major Levator Scapulae Trapezius (primarily mid and lower traps) Abdominals Internal and External Obliques Spinal Erectors Classification The pull up is a compound closed kinetic chain exercise. Compound: Compound…

  • Practical Guides

    10 pull up tips: improve your pull ups today

    Everyone wants to be good at pull ups, but few are able to really conquer this tough body weight exercise. I’ve written some tips you can implement today to perform a little better on your pull ups today–and every day thereafter. 1. Do your pull ups near the start of your workout So many people leave their pull ups near the end of their workout, after the “bread and butter” movements like squats, deadlifts, and other barbell movements. If you are prioritizing your barbell movements before pull ups, that is fine. Just perform your pull ups near the beginning of your workout on days when you are hitting mostly accessory…

  • Best of

    pull up variations: 20 different types of pull ups

    Sick of your plain old pull ups? I’ve included 20 pull up variations to spice up just about any strength training routine. Try them out–you can even try a new variation every 6-8 weeks. Adding some different pull up variations will help add a little exercise selection to your program to help emphasize slightly different fibers within the muscle–and help break through any strength plateaus you may be experiencing. Try one (or more!) of these today! 1.) Regular Old Vanilla Pull ups: These are the standard, vanilla standard. They won’t ever go out of style, and they will always be effective at building a bigger, stronger back. Muscles Involved: Lats,…

  • Practical Guides

    how to pass the military pull up test

    The pull up test is a non-negotiable requirement of the United States Military’s Physical Fitness requirements. To pass the Semi-Annual Physical Test as a Marine, men across all age groups have to do at least three pull ups. Women in each age division have to be able to three pull ups to pass, and eight to receive a perfect score (the pull up-for-women requirement was added in 2014). The Army Ranger Physical Fitness Test includes three phases after a preliminary fitness test. Before attending Ranger School, candidates should be able to do a minimum of 6 pull ups (but should strive to be able to do 12 or more). Of…

  • Question and Answer

    will pull ups make you stronger ?

    Will pull ups make you stronger? The short answer is yes, pull ups can absolutely make you stronger, no matter your age, size, or fitness level. The long answer is that doing pull ups is not a guarantee of more strength. To get stronger with pull ups, you have to get stronger at pull ups. First, let us dive into the science a bit. Will Pull ups Make you Stronger? Muscle and Strength Adaptations Pull ups activate primarily the muscles of the back and biceps, including: The Latissimus Dorsi Muscles The bicep brachii muscles The muscles of the forearm– brachialis and brachioradialis The Rhomboids The Lower Trapezius Muscles Teres Major Levator Scapulae…

  • Question and Answer

    Pull ups for Strength Athletes

    Pull ups for strength athletes? Are pull ups a suitable exercise for strength athletes? Should weightlifters and power lifters perform pull ups or is this exercise simply too easy for the advanced trainee? While some may believe pull ups are inferior for barbell-based strength athletes, the truth is that strength athletes of all calibers should include pull ups in their routine. Pull ups can help any strength athlete progress to the next level and become a stronger, more bulletproof barbell athlete. Pull ups for Strength Athletes: Pull ups are a Joint-Friendly Exercise The pull up is a compound exercise. Compound  exercises distribute the joint load between multiple joints. These exercises…

  • Practical Guides

    Do Pull ups Build Muscle?

    Do pull ups build muscle? Yes, pull ups build muscle! While some people may believe that body weight pull ups may be an inferior exercise for muscle growth, the truth is that everyone can gain muscle and strength with pull ups. If you don’t believe me, go Google some Olympic Male Gymnasts. These guys have phenomenal lat and arm development despite the fact that very few of them train with weights. Gymnasts do a huge volume of pullups and rope climbs, among other upper body pulling exercises and routine work.  Huge training volumes with these exercises account for their jacked upper bodies. Do Pull ups Build Muscle, and if so, which ones? Pull ups…

  • Practical Guides

    Should you Train Pull ups to Failure?

    Should you train Pull ups to Failure? Should you train pull ups to failure? If you want results you have to work your hardest! This means squeezing out each and every rep your body is capable of, every single set. Right? Or wrong? While most people believe that they must take all their sets to failure in order to grow and get stronger, they are sorely mistaken.   While training to failure can occasionally be used to push through strength and size plateaus, going to failure comes at a big cost. Most of your pull up sets should not be taken to failure, at least if maximum strength is your goal. Should you…